Friday, May 21, 2021

The Wonder Project - Lesson 3

Hi Bloggers, 

On Tuesday we had another Wonder Project Lesson and it was lesson 3. This one was different to the one we did last week because Colm our ambassador showed us a 1.5 litre bottle with water. We had a empty bottle. A bottle that has half water in it, and a bottle that had full water in it. Colm showed us what was the meaning of that activity and he had a sheet underneath those bottles and what he did next was was he pulled the sheet and all of the bottle didn't fall because he said if you pull it really fast then none of them would fall. Then some other kids got to have a try and some of them got it right and some only knocked down one.

Next we went in our group and the people that where in our group was Flo, Asmah, Aice, Emrico and we had to grab a whiteboard and a whiteboard maker and we had to draw a rocket and ours were pretty good then we went to the 1.5 litre bottles and I had a turn pulling the sheet and only one went down. Then we went back to the floor and the teachers took pictures of the drawings we draw. Then we went back to class and our teacher gave us a plain paper of a rocket on it and we had to design it and when we had finished we would go back to our groups had to pick the best design and we picked Emricos but Aice added a window in the middle and that was our lesson 3.

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